Recent Honors and Awards
- US Air Force awarded SBIR Phase I grant to SensorHound
- SensorHound was recognized with a Defense Innovation Award at DITAC 2018, held at Tampa FL.
- Received another US patent US 10,007,592 B2
- Invited to present a talk on IoT reliability and Security at Sensors Midwest 2017
- SensorHound won a Defense Innovation Award at DITAC 2017, held at Tampa FL.
- Principal Investigator of NSF SBIR Phase II award (2015 -18).
- SensorHound won TiE50 startups award in 2015 from TiE Silicon Valley (top 2% acceptance rate)
- SensorHound was nominated for Mira Award in Best Tech Innovation in Indiana in 2015
- SensorHound selected to Alchemist Accelerator in 2015 (4% acceptatnce rate)
- SensorHound selected to Accelerator in 2015 (5% acceptatnce rate)
- Principal Investigator of NSF SBIR Phase I grant (2014)
- Maurice H. Halstead Memorial award for outstanding
research in software engineering
- Peer Bonus award for significant contributions during summer internship at Google, Inc.
- Frederick N. Andrews environment grant for outstanding research contributions to improve world environment.
- Competitive travel grants received:
- IEEE travel grant to attend DSN 2013
- Purdue College of Engineering travel grant 2012
- Purdue Graduate Student Government (PGSG) travel grant 2012
- NSF travel grant to attend ACM mHealthSys 2012, ACMSenSys 2012
- NSF travel grant to attend ACM/IEEE IPSN 2011
- NSF travel grant to attend ACM SenSys 2010